Children, animals, online and distance/remote kinesiology…

Is kinesiology safe or beneficial for children?

Yes, I work with children and babies of all ages – even those in the womb! If your child is very young I may use you to assist with the balance via a technique called ‘surrogating’ whereby you or I will surrogate for your child and muscle test on their behalf. It is a safe and effective way of ensuring your child can receive the benefits of kinesiology as well. Children can benefit from kinesiology in all the ways adults can. It’s highly beneficial for emotional problems such as anxiety, trauma and stress. It can also be particularly helpful if they’re having difficulty at school, with learning, concentration, comprehension, memory or any other aspect of school work, as well as social issues, anxiety or bullying. There are various techniques and exercises they can be taught and used to help them achieve their potential both in and out of the classroom. Balances for children are $120 per session.

Are online balances available?

Yes. Online balances are available for those that prefer or need them. Just let me know at the time of booking if you’d prefer your balance to be online. I generally use Zoom as the platform but can use Messenger, FaceTime or phone if preferred. Online kinesiology balances are beneficial for those with mobility issues who find it difficult getting out to access services, as well as anyone who finds coming to a clinic stressful (e.g. anxiety, autism etc). It’s also very convenient and time efficient if you live far away or have a busy schedule and difficult finding time to come to clinic in person.  An online balance is $120 per session.

How does an online kinesiology balance work?

An online kinesiology balance looks and feels much the same as one in clinic. Instead of being face to face in clinic with me, you’ll be in the comfort of your own home and seeing and talking to me on your phone/iPad/computer screen. Phone is fine however I do recommend some form of video link (e.g. Zoom) so we can see each other. Visual contact will help you to follow the session and enable you to see the any cards, essences or crystals that may be relevant. I will text or email these to you if required. With your permission, I will surrogate for you during the session. I will be muscle testing for you and doing the corrections on myself which will flow through to you. 

How can you muscle test me online?

I’ll use a technique called ‘surrogating’ whereby, with your permission, I’ll surrogate for you and muscle test on your behalf. This may sound odd but it’s a common technique in the kinesiology world and one I use often, even when you’re in clinic with me. It’s a safe technique and one that allows you to keep receiving the benefits of kinesiology from a distance.

What is distance or remote healing?

This is similar to an online balance except you don’t need to be present, or even online or on the phone for your session. Distance kinesiology balances are particularly beneficial for those who have a busy schedule, are time poor, and have difficulty  fitting a session into their day. You simply send me the relevant information about the issue/s and what you’re aiming to achieve and I do the kinesiology balance for you using a surrogating technique. A distance balance has the convenience of you being able to go about your usual day, without having to take time out of it, and still receive all the benefits of a kinesiology balance. I’ll email you the notes and details of what came up for your information. A distance balance is the same cost as an online or face to face balance, $120 per session.

Do you balance animals as well?

Yes, I do balance animals. I do this via distance/remote healing using a surrogating technique. The animal doesn’t need to be present for the session – you can either come in and surrogate for them, or you can send me a photo of them along with the information (i.e. what is going and what you’d like to change/work on) and I’ll do a distance/remote session for them using a surrogating technique. They’ll get all the benefits and I’ll email you the notes and details of what came up for your information and reference.  Animal balances are $120 per session.